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成人学位英语高频词汇 成人学位英语常考的词组

  • 成考报名
  • 2024-05-16 00:00
  • 成人学位英语高频词汇 成人学位英语常考的词组




1. 精细的 (fine):Our company produces fine quality products.

2. 广泛的 (extensive):She has an extensive knowledge of literature.

3. 相关的 (relevant):The article is relevant to the topic we are discussing.

4. 明显的 (apparent):It is apparent that he has not studied for the exam.

5. 有效的 (effective):The new drug has proven to be very effective in treating the disease.


1. 意义 (meaning):The meaning of the word is often misunderstood.

2. 效应 (effect):The effect of climate change is becoming more and more apparent.

3. 细节 (detail):Pay attention to the details in the instructions.

4. 分析 (analysis):The data requires careful analysis.

5. 过程 (process):The manufacturing process has been improved to increase efficiency.


1. 推断 (infer from):We can infer from the evidence that he is guilty.

2. 参与 (participate in):She was excited to participate in the school play.

3. 建议 (suggest):I would like to suggest a different approach to this problem.

4. 强调 (emphasize on):It is important to emphasize on the key points in the presentation.

5. 应用 (apply to):This theory can be applied to various fields of study.


1. 仅 (only):Only two students passed the exam.

2. 非常 (extremely):The weather was extremely hot in July.

3. 确实 (indeed):Indeed, it is true that he is the best candidate for the job.

4. 完全 (completely):The work had to be completely redone because of the mistakes.

5. 自然地 (naturally):She naturally excels in math and science subjects.


